Letters to the Editor

Letter: Keep standard time in Alaska

I agree 100% with Lynn Willis’ recent letter to the editor regarding the meaningless clock change we Alaskans are forced to endure twice a year. Daylight Saving Time has no purpose during our summers due to the midnight sun. So why keep doing something repeatedly that has no benefit in our state? This antiquated law took effect March 31, 1918, to conserve energy. It is time to stop this. The harmful effects of Daylight Saving Time change have long been documented and evidence proves that our circadian rhythms are disrupted, causing a variety of negative health problems.

Our natural internal clocks are in sync with standard time. Let’s keep the time that is best for our population and our state. Write to your legislators and ask them to keep standard time, which is best for Alaskans.

— MaryBeth Printz


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