Letters to the Editor

Letter: Non-lethal insurrection response

Although the U.S. Capitol Police and other defenders during the insurrection of two years ago have been commended on their courage and determination to protect the Capitol, one aspect of their stellar performance of duty has been overlooked.

It was clearly within their rules of engagement to use whatever force was needed to prevent a breach of the building and harm to its occupants, but in only one case was deadly force used. I would have fully expected to hear gunfire when the invaders burst into the halls calling for the lynching of lawmakers. And since some of the rioters were armed, there would no doubt have been return fire. It’s easy to picture what would have happened after that, and the result would have been as ugly as any wartime firefight.

The police should be commended for their forbearance, and the supervisors who did not order their people to open fire should be praised.

— Don Neal


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Don Neal

Don Neal is a retired soldier and occupational safety professional who has lived in Alaska for 47 years, currently in Anchorage.