Letters to the Editor

Letter: Plowing fiasco

There are no acceptable excuses for the lack of snow removal that is happening in Anchorage right now.Yes, it is a record amount of snow; yes, the employees have been working long hours to get the job done; yes, there is a budget issue with removing the snow from the roads. Those are all reasons, but not excuses. The lack of snow removal is a huge safety issue and it should be getting more attention for that reason.

I live in the Sand Lake area, and the residential streets have not been touched in the last two snowfalls. It’s very dangerous for people to be driving in those conditions. My understanding is that the snow removal process usually takes place starting in January. But because that is where the money is budgeted is not a excuse for not getting it done now.

We can’t control Mother Nature, but we can control our responsibilities. There is a process and procedure in place within the municipality to deal with those situations. Move the funds to December and let’s get these roads cleared before someone gets killed. Stop playing politics with our lives!

— Gene Sanderson


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