Letters to the Editor

Letter: Thoughts of the day

Short comments on a number of issues:

It is past time for the mayor and the Assembly to stop the quibbling arguments and do something about the homeless situation. This is not public discourse. Both sides need to work together to facilitate solutions. People are suffering, and in some cases dying, because of the ongoing argument.

I cannot understand why, when the clouds are gray or it is foggy, individuals are driving without their lights on. It costs nothing in gas mileage to turn your lights on so that other vehicles can see you.

It is frustrating the number of individuals in Anchorage who ignore using their turn signals to alert other drivers to their actions. Some drivers seem to think it is adequate if they turn on their turn signal when they are in the middle of making a turn. This defeats the purpose of alerting other drivers.

We need to do something pretty drastic about the city road plowing situation, and I am not referring to the current situation after the heavy snowfall. Last week, I was on a major two-lane road and there was a woman walking on the side of the road. In order to avoid hitting her, I had to immediately swerve over. The car next to me in the other lane had to swerve over to avoid me hitting them. The city needs to consider the needs of pedestrians in the winter with plowing. Individuals who are walking, and especially people in wheelchairs or using canes, must walk in the road if there are no sidewalks. I understand from the current huge snowstorm that the city has a number of vehicles down and is short-staffed, but this has to be fixed. Lives are in danger.

I am very pleased that the election is finally over. As a super voter, I was getting tired of the number of emails, text messages, mail flyers and phone calls I was getting from candidates. I don’t watch TV or listen to AM radio, so I missed it there. I think there was somewhat of an overkill by candidates. You don’t want to turn voters off because they are tired of getting your constant messaging.

I was not pleased when ADN stopped allowing comments, although I understand their reasoning. There are other ways of handling the situation. However, I thank ADN for being here to cover our local news, and I encourage everyone to support and subscribe, to keep the paper going.


— Jamelia Saied


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