Letters to the Editor

Letter: Murkowski should declare independence from the GOP

I hope Sen. Lisa Murkowski realizes Sen. Krysten Sinema just did Alaskans, and her, a huge favor. It’s now the appropriate time for Murkowski to change her party caucus affiliation to independent.The reasons she should do this are very easy for the majority of Alaskan voters to understand.

First, Alaska has one of the highest, if not the highest percentage of registered non-party affiliated voters in the country. Second, without independent Alaska voters, Murkowski would not have been reelected in the past two elections. Third, with ranked choice voting now the vehicle by which we choose those who represent us, it’s even more important for our representatives to drop the old labels that have held back our state. Fourth, the Alaska Republican Party, simply doesn’t want to be associated with Murkowski anymore, and by the looks of the results from the last election, most who still officially associate themselves with the “Republican” label in Alaska, feel the same way.

So Lisa. It’s time. It’s finally time to wake up to the new reality you and Alaskans have been living in for the last 12 years. It’s way past time to put the majority of Alaskans first. It’s time to remove the shackles of party politics, keeping Alaskans held back. Please, now is the time to officially declare Alaskans’ and your independence, from the toxic Alaska Republican Party.

— Mark Hayden


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