Letters to the Editor

Letter: Inlet View funding

Funding for Inlet View Elementary School has been debated in this newspaper, with people pitting Inlet View against other school programs and closures.

This narrative is false and does not address the needs of Anchorage schools. The discussion should be about why Anchorage as a community does not invest in children.

Why do people in Anchorage vote against investing in schools? It bothers me that people in those ZIP codes that voted down the bonds are slated to get their projects funded. In the ZIP codes around Inlet View, 67% voted for the bond but may not get their needs met. A new school has been needed since 2005 and is the top priority of the Anchorage School District’s Six Year Capital Improvement Plan. The investment in the planning and design for Inlet View would be wasted if the plan doesn’t go forward. We need to start building Inlet View this spring so that in 18 months, the project will be completed and our children can finally attend a school that meets ASD educational design standards and complies with city health and safety codes.

Voters in the Inlet View attendance area will continue our tradition of voting in favor of school bonds, taxing ourselves to benefit all children in Anchorage.

— Reinou Groen


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