Letters to the Editor

Letter: Volleyball betrayal

Regarding the management and decision by University of Alaska Anchorage officials to not have the GNAC Volleyball Playoffs here in Anchorage: This is a betrayal and an act of incompetence. And digging in to back all of that up.

How could they not plan to host the championships or prepare for that contingency and foresee the conflict with the basketball games? How could they expect to make the NCAA adjust to them instead of the other way around? How could they not figure out how to have both, once they had cornered themselves, instead of doubling down and just saying, “No?”

This team is terrific. We have a league and games for a reason. The university has failed regarding this matter. It is a shame and a tragedy and beyond frustrating and infuriating.

It’s too late now. And something should be done about this.

— Hugh Wade


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