Letters to the Editor

Letter: Watch out for Wolfe

I met Forrest Wolfe in 2017 while he was working for the late, disgraced former Democrat legislator Dean Westlake. Since then he has worked for a number of different legislators, primarily from South Anchorage. Forrest is now running as the Republican candidate for District 21, East Anchorage/Lower Muldoon.

I myself worked in the Legislature for several sessions at the same time as Forrest and have lived most of my life in East Anchorage. As Forrest moved to the area roughly two years ago, what he knows of East Anchorage and the challenges we face is beyond me. In fact, while working in the Legislature he was part of a group of staff affectionately known as “the Juneau boys,” as that’s where they were from and lived.

Like with Gabriel LeDoux before, East Anchorage has a history of opportunistic career politicians coming from other parts of the state to take advantage of what they see as winnable seats. I believe Forrest is guilty of doing the same. If having local understanding and defined loyalties to the community one is representing is important to you, I highly encourage you to learn more about him before you vote.

— William Jodwalis


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