Letters to the Editor

Letter: Things to remember

1. Most important is to go vote.

2. Vote wisely. Ranked choice voting is really rank. What you want your vote to do may actually be counted against your purpose. So, rank one, maybe two, and, unlikely, three candidates. But never rank anyone you don’t want in an office. The way the votes are rolled up the ranks is rank.

3. When it comes to the constitutional convention, consider both ways. With all this, the most important influence may be “Why would I want a lawyer, or lawmaker, to write any part of it?” Have you ever known one who could express themselves in less that 10,000 words and still be clear? If a common person couldn’t read it and understand it, how would we ever know how bad off we were? Besides that, would you trust them not to build in loopholes that can be exploited later? Be counted by voting. Which brings me back to this - remember to vote.

— Michael Kurth


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