Letters to the Editor

Letter: Murkowski’s principled environmental support

I applaud Sen. Lisa Murkowski for her principled support of the Kigali Amendment. If Alaska and the rest of the United States are improving their environmental standards, other countries like China should be held accountable to do the same.

The Kigali Amendment pushes countries to cut the use of hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs, in refrigeration and air conditioning, and, in so doing, boosts the production of innovative alternative technologies. For the U.S., this means we will stop being a dumping ground for China’s outdated products, and, instead, add thousands of jobs to our next-gen manufacturing industry as America and the world adopt alternatives.Although the American business community does not always agree with climate activists, leaders from both sides — including heavyweights like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers — support bills like the Kigali Amendment because they support our domestic producers while reducing pollution worldwide.

As a young person and American, I care a lot about the climate issue and am appreciative of Sen. Murkowski for advancing this commonsense solution. I hope more of our leaders will address this challenge by holding other countries accountable for their pollution and strengthening America’s clean manufacturing.

— Tahlia Carroll


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