Letters to the Editor

Letter: Ashamed of Murkowski

Even in the best of election times, enduring the deluge of political ads on television and radio is about as pleasant as being outside naked during the height of mosquito season. To be the “best of times” requires that the ads we do get bombarded with are well and honorably done, and above all, are truthful, honest and accurate in their portrayal of both the candidates themselves and their opponents.

In that regard, and particularly in our U.S. Senate race, we are currently about as far from the “best of times” as I can imagine. What we have been experiencing of late is disgraceful and reprehensible. The content of the ads is so distasteful that some Alaska media outlets refused to air them, forgoing the very welcome revenue.

The Alaska Republican Party has endorsed Kelly Tshibaka. It has at the same time censured Lisa Murkowski for her “un-Republican” behavior and voting record. They even formally asked her to not run as a Republican. The NRA, a longtime supporter of Lisa, has downgraded her dramatically. Neither of these actions could ever occur without significant provocation.

Nearly all of the negative ads disparaging Kelly Tshibaka have been put together and paid for by the Senate Leadership Fund, a Super PAC, controlled by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. The ads explicitly state exactly that at the end of each commercial. The “wink-wink” rule is that PAC ads and the money expended may not be coordinated with or done in collusion with the candidate’s actual campaign. It is only with a complete lack of honor, virtue and morality that Lisa would not somehow make her disapproval of such attacks known to the Super PACs and those who run them. That’s assuming, of course, that she objected to the attacks to begin with. It would therefore be naïve in the extreme to think that Lisa Murkowski has not blessed the malicious attacks that we see and hear constantly.

George Washington said on multiple occasions that only by electing virtuous and moral people to high office would our great experimental republic continue to thrive. Based on the absence of those traits we have been shown in the Murkowski campaign, it is clear that we have failed to heed George’s advice.

Regardless of who you support in this election, this has been a detestable display. Lisa Murkowski should certainly be ashamed of herself, just as I am ashamed of her.

— Robert J. Hallford



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