Letters to the Editor

Letter: Economic value of education

From a purely economic standpoint, a robust education system is a vital facet of a healthy economy. When corporations consider moving or opening branches in new markets, they research the education level of the proposed venue to insure there will be an employee pool skilled enough to fill their positions and help the company to thrive. Same for young families looking to relocate to a new state. The education system is of prime importance for those considering such a move.

It is no wonder, with Alaska’s declining investment in schools and teachers, that there has been corresponding lowering of the state’s overall rating in this category that is most likely a factor in our population decline.

My own two sons have had to pursue educational and employment opportunities elsewhere. My hope for Alaska is that it will commit to investments in infrastructure and education that will provide a stable, prosperous environment for our children. Our current governor’s vision for Alaska seems to be as a warehouse for mineral extraction.

— Thomas Crowley


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