Letters to the Editor

Letter: Support Democrats

High prices and inflation are hurting almost all Americans and the problem is bigger than America. Europe, too, is hurting. Hard earned dollars, pounds and francs just don’t buy as much as they did. And that’s the thing, it’s not just an American problem. MAGA Republicans who want to pin it all on President Joe Biden and Democrats are just plain wrong. Supply chain problems and the war in Ukraine, international problems, are a big part of the cause. The other driver of high prices: corporate greed. Oil companies, pharmaceutical companies, food-producing companies and their executives are raking in the profits, benefiting from the high prices that are hurting the rest of us.

President Biden and the Democrats in Congress are doing what they can to get prices down and help average Americans. They’ve passed legislation that helps small businesses, increases good paying jobs, helps pay educational debt, lowers prescription drug prices and promotes clean energy. They will protect the safety net of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Election Day is Nov. 8. Don’t be fooled by the lies told by the very people who profit from high prices. Vote for those who have shown they care about “the folks who live on Main Street,” who live in small towns and villages. Vote for Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents.

— Susan Soule


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