Letters to the Editor

Letter: Reject divisive partisanship

In my time, I have voted for members of different parties or no party, determined by the fair treatment of the question at hand. Extreme partisan politics do not allow critical thought, much less support objective treatment of any situation. Charisma has dictated dogma.

Does anyone see that the ultimate profit for both Russia — their stated goal — and China is the devisiveness that this country is demonstrating? It is the strength of our democratic process that separates this country in the eyes of strong powers that wish to see weakness in our polarity.If there is no give-and-take in moderation and compromise, prime components of democracy, how can this country present a united strength and cohesive front?Please do not allow out-of-staters to do your critical thinking for you.

We are our own worst enemy. The rest of the world is watching.

— Merrie Mendenhall


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