It’s a given that Alaska’s congressional representative gets into the trenches of our state’s fish battles. During the special election, Alaskans voted for a representative who knows the issues and is prepared to fight for all Alaska communities. What we’ve seen so far from Congresswoman Mary Peltola is exactly that. She is who we and our fellow Alaska fishermen and seafood business owners need to secure a future for our traditions and our livelihoods.
Congresswoman Peltola earned a seat on the Natural Resources Committee and immediately started updating our nation’s fishery management law, the Magnuson-Stevens Act. Peltola supported measures to reduce bycatch, conserve fish habitat and secure long-needed representation for our Alaska Native colleagues in the fishery management process. She listened to the concerns of all Alaskans who love and depend on our fisheries, and she responded. We need positive action in Alaska fisheries conservation and management, and with Congresswoman Peltola in office, we can look forward to change for the benefit of all.
There are many opportunities for Congresswoman Peltola to influence the process and secure more Alaska priorities before the bill passes. To all Alaska fishing communities: Let’s send her back to Washington, D.C., to keep up the fight.
— Linda Behnken, Marissa Merculieff and Marissa Wilson
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