Letters to the Editor

Letter: Yes to a constitutional convention

Why I am supporting a yes vote on Alaska’s constitutional convention: Everyone has their own issue, but anyone paying attention knows there are big problems that are not being solved — not by ballot initiatives, not by the state Legislature and not by the governor.

According to usanews.com, Alaska ranks 49th out of 50 states for education quality, even though we spend more per student than most other states. How can we expect a great place to live when the education system is so subpar? I know I don’t want to send my kid to public school in Alaska to be dumbed down and lose the love of learning I want to instill.

Whatever your position on the Permanent Fund and its disappearing dividend, I remember a time when politics and politicians could focus on other issues. From the moment the governor and the Legislature stopped following the formula that the law requires, we have been stuck in a half-dozen-year battle. Let’s take the issue away from these bickering children and solve it once and for all.

— Joshua Church


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