Letters to the Editor

Letter: Parking headaches

Decide for yourself if Diamond Parking is a racket, and or if you should choose to ever park at one of their lots.

On May 20, I overstayed at one of their lots by an hour or so. I paid $6.70 originally. I had overstayed for approximately an hour and 25 minutes. I received a ticket. I believe the original tally to settle the ticket was $32.

Upon getting back to my car and the ticket, I called the number on the ticket, with intention of paying what I owed — for the excess time parked — or even the entire ticket fine. I wanted to resolve the issue and not have to deal with it again. I got ahold of a customer service rep. He opened an appeal. After a couple of more communications — phone and email, showing proof of the original charge, etc. — and three days, the issue was resolved. The rep reversed the $32 charged. I have the email to prove it.

About two months later, just last week, I received a collection notice for $83. The sum of a parking notice fee of $46.50, a handling fee of $6.50, and an additional late charge of $30. I’ve been on hold with the super-pleasant Diamond Parking re-occurring explanatory message for about 15-20 minutes. I am certain that the next available service agent will be with me as soon as possible, just like they say. It’s only been about 20 minutes so far, which gave me the opportunity to write this letter to the editor!

You know, it’s weird that they don’t make it so you can pay before, and after. Maybe they like the ramped-up fees and penalties when it comes to their gross revenues.  

Good news. Another rep did appear. He waived the collections. I asked him to send this information to me in an email, and waited until I received it before exiting the call. That was fun.

— Hugh Wade



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