Letters to the Editor

Letter: Comprehensive plan needed

We very much appreciate the significant efforts to develop and implement a comprehensive plan to assist people who are homeless. The Sullivan Arena had provided a one-stop shop for services and served the community while a long-term plan was to be developed. However, the slap-dash, shortsighted and improvised move by the administrative leader (Mayor Dave Bronson) to use a park as quasi-shelters disrupted the long-term planning and has put these needy folks in danger and discomfort.

We applaud community organizations who have stepped in yet again to care for needy citizens. But it is the responsibility of the leadership of our community, especially the mayor and his crew, to present a long-term, comprehensive plan for Assembly approval.

That the Assembly has approved an ordinance that would define conditions for the removal of the mayor is an auspicious step. We are not sure which should be done first: remove the mayor or develop a long-range plan for people in need of a home. It seems reasonable to do both at the same time, thus cleaning up two big messes.

— Bob and Carol Waters


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