Letters to the Editor

Letter: Candidate viewpoints

The special election for former Congressman Don Young’s House seat is Alaskan’s first opportunity to use ranked-choice voting. I really want to rank candidates in this election. However, in order to rank candidates I need to understand their viewpoints on the issues that concern me.I looked to the candidates’ websites. Mary Peltola’s website has a tab labeled “Issues” which directly and clearly stated her position on 14 separate issues. Sarah Palin’s campaign website did the same for 10 issues. Nick Begich’s website has a “Meet Nick” tab that has three paragraphs of work and family history, but does not state positions on any issues.

For ranked-choice voting voters need to know to know where all candidates stand on issues. We cannot, and should not, vote for any candidate who is unwilling to tell us.

— Bob Butera


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