Letters to the Editor

Letter: Nurse license delays

On May 4, the Alaska Board of Nursing (ABoN) decided to stop issuing emergency Registered Nurse licenses. This unfortunate action has led to long delays in issuing RN licenses. Nurses in good standing have had their temporary permits expire and are unable to be issued a permanent license due to lack of staffing at the ABoN.

At present, their website lists a timeframe of seven to eight weeks for the board to issue an initial update on license status. This is unacceptable for Alaskans, many of whom already live in underserved areas. Most of the state’s rural hospitals lack specialty care, such as cardiology and neurology. These patients must be medically evacuated to Anchorage or down south, where facilities have the resources to treat emergencies like heart attacks and strokes.

In Southeast Alaska, we are facing extreme short staffing and delays in transport due to these licensing issues, and these delays may place patients at risk of permanent disability and death. Alaskans deserve better.

I implore the Department of Community Commerce and Economic Development and the ABoN to resume Emergency Courtesy Licenses, and to pass an emergency measure to extend the Temporary Permits of all nurses in good standing that are actively working with the board to obtain permanent licensure. The current time frame is endangering Alaskans.

— Hilary Helkenn, RN


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