Letters to the Editor

Letter: No to Palin

Have any of you reading this seen the film “Game Change”?If not, it’s a very well done, vastly entertaining movie about the 2008 Presidential campaign of John McCain and his chosen running mate Sarah Palin, played extremely well by Jullianne Moore. Woody Harrelson is also on point as McCain’s senior campaign strategist, Steve Schmidt.

Among Steve’s responsibilities is preparing Sarah for upcoming meetings with foreign dignitaries — fast forward: Sarah is scheduled for a meeting with top British officials (I honestly forget who), but in this meeting, Steve is discussing what Sarah needs to be aware of — when it suddenly becomes apparent that Sarah thinks the Queen runs the English government, and “I’m supposed to meet her, right?”Steve then has this look that encompasses so much, as if he’s saying: “Oh God, what have we gotten ourselves into?” He goes on to calmly explain to her that, no, the Queen does not run the government. The Prime Minister does.

This scene and many more like it make this movie (which does not have anything “made up” in it) so good. My point to all: Could you honestly support this person as our next member of Congress? Please give it some serious thought.

— Pete Eberhardt


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