Letters to the Editor

Letter: Mayor’s flawed homeless maneuver

As I finished reading the ADN stories regarding the Centennial Campground repurposed for our homeless population, I cannot help but wonder about the unintended consequences.Poor planning, poor public communication and flat-out carelessness has now put our wildlife, surrounding community and families, and beautiful forests in jeopardy.

Initially, four bears were killed for doing what they do to survive in the wild within a week of this disastrous decision. Without an end in sight for this debacle, it is just the beginning of more wildlife encounters and, sadly, human deaths.

What did they expect? Desperate times will lead to desperate actions, and before long there will be more dangerous encounters for the local populations of bear, moose, porcupine, fox, birds and humans.

It is said to never quit a job before you have another one. The Bronson administration broke this basic rule by closing the Sullivan Arena shelter before the new one is built.

— Thomas R. Schmidt


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