Letters to the Editor

Letter: Fight for your rights

As an atheist, a woman and a registered nurse, I’m disgusted by the very notion that Gov. Mike Dunleavy would introduce a resolution to propose a constitutional amendment to ban abortion based on his religious beliefs. In 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man. She was arrested. Seating on the bus was not the issue, equality was.

It is the same today. Abortion is not the issue. At issue is the right to have autonomy over one’s own body. The right to choose to become pregnant — no forced sterilization. The right to choose to use contraception or not. The right to end a pregnancy. The right to make one’s own reproductive health choices.

And I would like to remind women the original United States Constitution did not allow women the right to vote or the right to own property. Women fought for those rights. If you don’t want women to have abortions, fight for policies that support women, children and families.

— Kimberly Slone, RN


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