Letters to the Editor

Letter: Discouraging response

It’s discouraging to see the chaos that now constitutes our homelessness response.

It’s been a year of whiplash since Mayor Dave Bronson was elected. In early June of this year, he issued a press release stating, “I am committed to achieve the community’s Anchored Home goals,” including using the Housing First approach. The statement also discussed the importance of substance misuse treatment and how he was considering using the Golden Lion. This was a remarkable turnaround, considering he not only explicitly campaigned against all of those things, but he also whipped up a mob opposing those ideas that cost taxpayers a lot of money for redundant recall elections.

Bronson can put out anything he wants on paper. But what is happening now? We want solutions and leadership. The sign on President Harry Truman’s desk did not say, “The buck stops with the legislative branch and local non-profits.”

— Emily Becker


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