Letters to the Editor

Letter: Support Murkowski

As a previous resident of the Lower 48 states I, and most others, were totally amazed and impressed when Alaska voters made history by electing Lisa Murkowski to the Senate as a write-in candidate. Before moving to Alaska, I followed Murkowski’s stellar performance and became impressed that the voters had made a very wise decision. As a primary care physician for 40 years, I was tasked with helping patients navigate risk/benefit decisions on a daily basis. Like everyone else, I had to do this in my personal life also.

During my career, I paid critical attention to the eventual outcomes of these risk/benefit decisions, as they commonly had profound effects on people’s lives. In this manner of thinking, I believe Sen. Murkowski has rewarded Alaska with an independent, wise, and supremely patriotic voting record, always supporting the rule of law for all and equality as described in the amended foundational documents that make our country what it is.

Our country is in extreme peril and needs stable and reliable leadership to get us through the scary times ahead. Sen. Murkowski will continue to take care of Alaska and the country as a whole. She might also inspire other elected officials to see that they can do the right thing to preserve our democracy and still survive an election in a horribly divided and hostile world.

Regarding her recent votes, I was going to discuss them all individually, but will only comment on her “no” vote to codify the Roe v. Wade precedent. Susan Collins and Murkowski had made a superior proposal that was rejected by the progressive Democrats. It correctly allowed hospitals and providers to defer participation in abortions for religious reasons. Now, with the Supreme Court action, their bill might get some support. Please vote for and support Sen. Murkowski to keep Alaska and our country safe and consistent with the descriptions and ideals of the Declaration of Independence and the amended Constitution.

— Richard Munger, M.D.


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