Letters to the Editor

Letter: Highways and neighborhood planning

Here we are again, talking about the future connection of the Seward and Glenn highways through Fairview. In the 1965 “Neighborhood Planning Program,” the city explicitly acknowledged creating the Gambell-Ingra couplet would “cut the neighborhood and create an island two blocks wide and ten blocks long.” That’s what we have today in the heart of Fairview, but that’s not what the community’s vision is for its future.

Today, we have the “Seward-Glenn Mobility PEL Study,” which is a complicated way of studying land use and transportation to improve travel, safety, access and connectivity between the highways and throughout the corridor.What’s good for Fairview is good for all of Anchorage. This is our chance to prioritize safety for all roadway users, create solutions for a vibrant future, and address past environmental injustices. Safe streets and walkable neighborhoods should be available to everyone, including residents of Fairview.

The public can weigh in on this study by Friday, June 24. Submit your comments at www.sewardglennmobility.com.

— Lindsey Hajduk


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