Letters to the Editor

Letter: Gas line prospects

Roger Marks raised a number of points about world energy markets in his June 21 column, but missed the mark about Alaska’s natural gas pipeline project, Alaska LNG. Alaska LNG is a bold project but is economically viable and competitive. Don’t take AGDC’s word for it — the respected global researcher Wood Mackenzie concluded, “Alaska LNG is competitive against U.S. Gulf Coast LNG projects,” in part due to shorter shipping distances, lower transportation costs, and fewer tanker emissions to energy-hungry Asian markets.

Wood Mackenzie forecasts “LNG demand is expected to create a gap in supply starting in 2028,” and will grow for decades. High-volume projects, particularly ones based in stable democracies, offer an attractive solution for LNG buyers. That’s why long-term LNG contracts are now commanding higher rates and more market share than in years past.

Alaska LNG holds tremendous economic and environmental promise for Alaska, and our talks with project developers continue to gain momentum.

— Frank Richards

President, Alaska Gasline Development Corp.


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