Letters to the Editor

Letter: Pick Murkowski

It is with great pride I ask all Alaskans to re-elect Sen. Lisa Murkowski. I do not agree with all her votes or some of her positions, but there is no better person in Alaska more qualified, more enthusiastic and more competent to represent our state.

As a lifelong Alaskan born in Anchorage and a card-carrying Democrat, I repeat: There is no one better for Alaska right now. There are times, and that time is now, where party takes a backseat to the person. Independent thinking is not a sin in politics; it’s just portrayed that way now.

Murkowski’s only negative for me is her Republican senate leader, Mitch McConnell. I’m sure she has been given much advice from that unbelievable, single-minded, “my way or the highway” approach to government fool. He represents what’s truly wrong with Washington, D.C.

As for Donald Trump: Forget about him. His ridiculous, lying, truth-denying ways are so last year. Best we erase that sad period from our history and look to the future. But if Trump comes to Alaska, I promise one thing. It will guarantee a landslide victory for Sen. Murkowski.

— Gregory Carr


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