Letters to the Editor

Letter: Supporting Fields

For the past 25 years, I’ve lived in the South Addition neighborhood. For eight of those years, I owned a home across the street from Inlet View School. For six of those years, I served on the Anchorage School Board. During this entire time, the vast majority of the South Addition community has advocated for a new Inlet View school.  Because of my job and school board service, I’ve worked with our area’s legislators on this and other issues. South Addition’s been lucky to have great legislators. They’ve all done tremendous work representing our area. Without a doubt, Zack Fields is one of, if not the best, legislator we’ve had representing South Addition.He listens to and follows up with his constituents. He wants public schools and Alaska students to thrive. He works nonstop to improve Anchorage and Alaska. He gets important legislation passed. He works well with all legislators. He’s fearless in speaking up for what’s right.

Zack and many others have devoted tremendous time, energy and passion into making a new Inlet View school happen. Zack has worked with parents, school staff, neighbors, the community council, the Anchorage School District and neighbors with concerns about the school’s siting to get agreement on the school design and make the new school a reality.

If we want to improve Anchorage and Alaska as we need more leaders like Zack Fields. His courage, passion and commitment to students, parents, teachers, safe schools, public education, our neighborhoods, Anchorage and Alaska is refreshing. I’m proud Zack Fields is my legislator, and I look forward to him representing me and continuing the fight for my neighborhood for another two years, and hopefully beyond.  

— Jake Metcalfe


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