Letters to the Editor

Letter: College incentives work

On Sunday, my second child graduated from the University of Alaska Anchorage. Both graduated debt free! This financial independence was only possible because of the Alaska Performance Scholarship and the Alaska 529 College Savings plan where we invested all of the kids’ Permanent Fund dividends.

Because they went to school in Alaska, they have both decided to stay in Alaska. My oldest is a librarian now, and my newly graduated son has decided to become a teacher here in Alaska by continuing on at the University of Alaska Southeast in the Master of Arts in Teaching program.

Our universities are doing a fantastic job educating our future Alaskans. And the Alaska Performance Scholarship works! It kept my children here with me in Alaska, so I don’t have to chase them to the four corners of the world. Alaska legislators, please keep funding our university system and keep giving those incentives to keep Alaska students in Alaska. I am one proud UAA mom and lifelong Alaskan today.

— Janel Walton


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