Letters to the Editor

Letter: Delayed recognition

Reading the story on the April 8 ADN front page, “As some question her commitment, Sarah Palin says she’s never left Alaska” brought back old memories for me, and not good ones. You see, while Palin was in the governor’s office, my work team won the State of Alaska “Governor’s Safety Council” Award for having worked for more than two years without an accident or lost-time injury. And this in a profession with historically high accident and injury rates. Being the “Governor’s Award,” I was pretty sure I could request and have the governor attend a brief award presentation, though my team said, “You’ll never get her to attend.”

Well, guess what: As many times as I called the governor’s office in the Atwood Tower and requested a brief attendance at the Governor’s Safety Council award, I never got it. Eventually, I even said, “She drives right past our workplace every day, driving between Wasilla and the governor’s office in downtown Anchorage — just a brief stop by would mean the world to this blue-collar crew.” Well, you probably know by now we never did get that visit, but guess what? No hard feelings.  

How about this, though. Maybe the best way forward for then-Gov. Palin, now candidate Palin, is to reach out and hold a delayed recognition award for my team and all these years later. I can’t think of a better way to show real engagement and an honest commitment to the working men and women of Alaska. Whatcha say, Sarah? Heck, I’d even buy the doughnuts.  

— Hal Homer


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