Letters to the Editor

Letter: Election kudos

I’ve just come off from working three days during the latest municipal election at the Loussac Library.

After a grueling 16-hour shift on Tuesday, Election Day, my mind was swimming with all of the people who had helped make this election possible. Some thanks are due, and I start with the facility itself. The staff, especially the security staff, was incredibly attentive, helpful, yet unobtrusive during the entire time I served this week.

Special kudos to Johnny, the security guard who waited patiently for us to finish up on Tuesday night and then escorted me to my car at 11 p.m. and made sure I got out of the parking lot safely. Thanks to the citizens who showed up for the working staff with baskets of goodies and treats about 4 p.m. Our day was half over, and those treats came in handy as we moved to the finish line! They refused to be named, but their good deed was most appreciated.  

To the election officials and chairs who gave their time tirelessly and worked so diligently, the biggest thank-you ever! We don’t do this work for the money, we do it to be sure the process of voting remains viable for all who wish to partake.And to the voters who came to the library to drop off their ballots or vote in person, a round of applause.

No thank-you would be complete without acknowledging the workers down at the Election Center who set us up to run smoothly at the library, and who continue to process ballots until the deadlines have all been met and the received ballots have all been counted. It takes a group of dedicated individuals to make this big event work, so thank you all for your hard work and dedication.  

— Ann Seidl Rittal


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