Letters to the Editor

Letter: Dementia awareness

Although many Alaskans are aware that failing memory is a sign of dementia, there are many other symptoms that may appear before obvious memory issues arise. In some forms of dementia, there is no memory loss at all. Alaskans must be aware of the signs of various types of dementia so they can seek available treatment in the early stages.

Thank you to House Speaker Louise Stutes of Kodiak for filing HB 308, a dementia awareness bill. Thank you to Sen. Mia Costello of West Anchorage for filing SB 216, the Senate companion bill to HB 308. This legislation directs the Department of Health and Social Services to promote information regarding the importance of a timely diagnosis and the signs and symptoms of different types of dementia.

One in five baby boomers can expect to develop dementia. Of those who reach the age of 80, one in every two will develop Alzheimer’s. This is why the Alzheimer’s Association has classified baby boomers as the Alzheimer’s Generation. Alaska Natives have the highest likelihood of any race to develop dementia, as 35% of Alaska Native peoples can expect to develop dementia in their lifetime. A dementia public awareness campaign is instrumental to preparing Alaskans for the approaching dementia tsunami.

Early diagnosis of dementia allows patients to access treatments and research trials that may slow the progression of the disease so Alaskans can contribute to our communities longer. The earlier Alaskans recognize the signs of dementia, the more action they can take to slow the progression of the disease, and the longer they can contribute to our communities.

— Josh Lonn, Linzey White, Cathy Hernandez, Cindy Harris and Sherri Roberds

Alzheimer’s Association Alaska Community Board


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