Letters to the Editor

Letter: We don’t need Palin back

So after years of self-induced absence from Alaska public life, Sarah Palin now says she’ll be honored to represent us in Washington, D.C.

She wasn’t so honored to represent us in Juneau when she quit halfway through her only term as governor, but, as everyone knows, she got a sniff of the trappings of national publicity as a vice-presidential candidate. And now that her career as a dancing bear hasn’t worked out, she’s ready to serve Alaska, supported by that other great attention-seeker: Donald Trump.

I want to help. So I’ve taken the liberty of drafting some campaign slogans, pro and con. Okay, they’re all con, but they’ll look great on road signs: “Sarah who?”

“Palin for Congress: because she needs a job where she won’t have to work.”

“Sarah Palin: working as hard for you in Congress as she did in Juneau.”

“Palin: because Congress needs a woman who dances in a bear suit.”

“Palin for Congress. It’ll work this time. We promise.”


Seriously, why elect this quitter? Sarah, let’s talk about your next job working for Alaskans after you finish the last one.

— Mike McLaughlin


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