Letters to the Editor

Letter: Palin problem

I want to express my horror at the announcement of Sarah Palin trying for another statewide elected office. Not only would she be terrible representative of Alaska, she probably will quit as soon as she gets another book deal, like last time.

For those who were not aware, Palin ran for governor in 2006 and won. In 2009, she left with a book deal and a motorhome to make money. In all of the United States, I doubt there is another example that even compares with that betrayal.

Public service is the highest form of service — after teachers, of course. It is not for underqualified people.

Palin, I’m sure, hasn’t changed. I urge all of Alaska to ignore her candidacy and vote for any of the other 47 candidates.

Finally, with Palin’s endorsement from Donald Trump, every woman at least should not vote for the ex-governor.

— Gregory Carr


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