Letters to the Editor

Letter: More than a gardener

I’ve known Jeff Lowenfels for 40 years and appreciate and trust his garden advice.

But that’s not why I’m supporting him for Congress. As an oil and gas attorney, I’ve known Jeff’s work for the state of Alaska, as an attorney in private practice, and as head of Yukon Pacific Corp.

Jeff has great expertise in Alaska resource issues. But what stands out about Jeff is his persistence, creativity, sense of humor and his ability to use these traits to get results, as when he worked with Gov. Hickel to find buyers for Alaska gas and investors in an Alaska gas line and advocated for laws to stimulate investment in a gas project.

Like so many Alaskans, I admired many of Congressman Don Young’s traits — his loyalty to Alaska, his dogged persistence in pursuing what was good for Alaska, and his ability to see beyond party lines in pursuit of those goals. Jeff brings these same traits to the table — a relentless drive to leave Alaska a better place, the hell with the politics.

I’m happy and excited to support Jeff’s bid for Congress and am confident that when folks look beyond his garden column and learn about Jeff’s career and accomplishments, they will as well.

— Larry Ostrovsky


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