Letters to the Editor

Letter: Support the Equality Act

In the recent municipal election Q&A, Anchorage Assembly candidates were asked what makes them hopeful for our city’s future. Most candidates replied similarly: the young people of Anchorage. However, our state’s policies don’t reflect this value we’re placing on young Alaskans. LGBTQ people and their families in Alaska are still vulnerable to discrimination, and we know the facts surrounding the suicide rates of LGBTQ youth. There is pain in our community and now is the time to heal.

Even though most Alaskans, including 58% of Alaska Christians, support federal LGBTQ nondiscrimination protections, our state is among a majority that lack explicit, comprehensive statewide LGBTQ nondiscrimination protections. This leaves LGBTQ Alaskans open to discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations, health care and more.

Currently, bipartisan legislation is moving through Congress, the Equality Act, which would update our country’s civil rights laws to protect everyone from discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation. As a Christian, I believe that passing this bill is the right thing to do. Jesus commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves. As an Alaskan, I value our strong commitment to personal freedom and to let people live the lives they’re called to. And as a gay man, I hope that the LGBTQ youth of today can grow up in a kinder, safer country than I have.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Sen. Dan Sullivan’s votes are critical to passing the Equality Act, and we’re running out of time to make it happen. I hope our senators will support all young Alaskans — including LGBTQ young people. I urge our senators to support the Equality Act.

— Tyler Watson


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