Letters to the Editor

Letter: Inlet View issues

I just voted no for the first time on an Anchorage school bond, and here is why. I am an adjacent neighbor to Inlet View Elementary School and parent of a future student. I have become well-informed on ASD’s proposed replacement design serving as a South Addition Community Council elected member on the Inlet View Elementary School Building Design Committee.

I won’t describe all the issues of concern that were overlooked with the current ASD plan, because they are numerous. But I will ask you, an Anchorage resident, taxpayer, and voter one question: If you were selecting the site for a $31 million publicly funded building, would you select the lowest, shadiest, drainage-challenged, peat-laden part of the lot to build on? This is what ASD has done, and unfortunately what you are supporting if you vote to approve the ASD bond.

Please join me in voting no on the ASD bond to send the following message: Prioritize the interests of the next 50-60 years of students that will attend the new school, and don’t waste taxpayer money on a suboptimal design when there is a better alternative.

— Mitch Cullom


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