Letters to the Editor

Letter: Don Young’s memory

Don Young was our congressman. He was also our friend.

For many decades, as Alaskans who met him in the political arena, we supported him and opposed him, we argued with him and against him, and we laughed with him and cringed about him. Through it all, he was Don, and goodbye came too soon.

His mark and his style were unique. When he walked into a Washington room, he was as big as Alaska, a persona that made him memorable and made it impossible for Congress to forget about Alaska. When he was home, he was approachable and obviously comfortable to be with his constituents — his people. The energy was palpable.

Don Young represented a politics that served Alaska — where he put pragmatism ahead of partisanship and, because he was so human, recognized the humanity of those whose lives he touched and the sincerity of differing views. He was a fierce campaigner who reveled in the rough and tumble and yet was not afraid to show kindness. At the same time, he remained deeply reflective in the quiet moments, concerned about the fraying ties that bind us together, concerned about the future. Don was a man of his times, committed to his code, and protective of Congress as an institution, aware of its democracy’s fragility. His longevity gave him the perspective to see past the passions of the moment, and explained why he celebrated the shared values, common heritage, and personal relationships that transcend the divisions that defeat the America he believed in.

In this time, for a man who gave so much to Alaska and for Alaska, we give our thanks to his family for sharing him with us.

Don Young lived his legend. May his memory be a blessing and an inspiration.

— Loren Leman, David Finkelstein, Susan Sullivan, Gene Kubina, Bob Herron, Mike Szymanski, Sam Cotten, Kim Elton, Sally Smith, Fran Ulmer, Chuck Degnan, Sam Kito III, Tom Moyer, Mark Boyer, Jim Duncan, Jerry Mackie, Dennis Egan, Pat Pourchot, Les Gara, Kay Brown, Beth Kerttula, John Schwamm, Walt Furnace, Joe McKinnon, David Guttenberg, Ethan Berkowitz, Lloyd Jones, Tom Brice, Eldon Mulder, Randy Phillips, John Sunday, Dave Donley, Pat Rodey, Reggie Joule, Mary Peltola, Mike Chenault, Judy Salo, Eric Croft, Jim Colver and Mike Navarre


Former Alaska legislators


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