Letters to the Editor

Letter: Vote yes on school bond

I have lived across the street from Inlet View Elementary School since 1991. My children attended Inlet View and, along with a quality education, experienced many of the problems of an old and inadequate building.  

I have kept myself informed as the design process moved forward, including the engineering, construction and traffic plans. Construction of the new building on site while keeping the old school open is smarter and more cost efficient than breaking up the school community and busing students to other Anchorage schools.

Splitting students from their classmates and teachers is a terrible idea coming at the end of two years of pandemic-caused remote learning. I urge voters to support the school bond. Let’s move forward. Let’s replace the 1957 school building, one of the oldest in Anchorage, with a new school our kids deserve and our community wants.

— Jeff Silverman


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