Letters to the Editor

Letter: Inlet View and school bonds

Anchorage, please support Anchorage School District schools by voting yes on Proposition One.

It includes many key projects that keep the safety of our children a priority.

I have taught at Inlet View Elementary for more than 13 years.

Both of my kids are alumni. I have also lived in the South Addition neighborhood for more than 20 years. Inlet View is one of the oldest schools in the district. It desperately needs to be replaced.

Inlet View has been put on the back burner for too many years.

There has been a small group of neighbors who support the bond but are not in support of the new design for the school. They aren’t happy with the placement of the school on the property.

Many changes have been made to address the concerns these neighbors have presented. Our staff, students and families support the amazing design. It allows the students to stay in our current school while the new school is being built.


At the last Urban Design Commission meeting, the majority supported the design. However, there was a small, vocal group that did not. None of those testifying had children at Inlet View.

The next UDC meeting is on April 13 at the Loussac Library at 6 p.m. Please support us by coming to the meeting and voting yes on Prop. 1.

— Beth Kemp

First grade teacher, Inlet View Elementary


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