Letters to the Editor

Letter: Don Young’s legacy

I am 44 years old and proud to say Don Young is the only congressman I ever had or wanted.

Alaskans know that Congressman Young fought for Alaska, and the stories circulating about his “colorful” and headline-grabbing brashness have made me smile, laugh and cringe. Each story makes me wish Alaskans could have seen him behind closed doors.

The Don Young I will always remember understood that “fighting” really meant leading. Unlike so many today, he didn’t make noise — he brought people together, built coalitions across party lines and delivered for Alaska.

He invested in his staff, supported young Alaskans and made his office a training ground for generations of Alaskans. He listened authentically, whether you were an intern or a chief of staff.

Don Young solicited your opinion, challenged you and always left you knowing more about Alaska than when the conversation started. While I never worked for him, I will always be thankful for the opportunities Ted Stevens and Lisa Murkowski gave me to see him in action. The projects and policy Don Young delivered for Alaska built our state, but it is the people he inspired who will transform our future.

— Mike “Fish” Pawlowski


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