Letters to the Editor

Letter: Saddened by threats

I was saddened to read last week about threats to Dr. Anne Zink and her family.  In my opinion, Dr. Zink has served all of us Alaskans incredibly well. She is articulate (oral speech, written communication and social media), incredibly knowledgable, compassionate and thoughtful. She also makes herself available to all of us for questions and comments.

I served in the same position as Dr. Zink during Gov. Frank Murkowski’s term (2004-2006). During that time, there was concern about an influenza pandemic — “bird flu.” When I think about the work that we did then in preparation for a possible pandemic, I am awed by the work done by Dr. Zink and her team over the past two years during this pandemic. Just keeping up to date with the emerging science is an incredible task. We should be so thankful for the work done by Dr. Zink and her team.

My time of service was a time with significant conflicts. But the disagreements were civil and agreements were possible. I urge us all to return to civil discourse. Dr. Zink has modeled this behavior for us over the past two years. Let’s all join her.

Finally, threats to her and to her family must stop. There is no place for that kind of behavior in our state.Thank you so much, Dr. Zink for all that you have done, and are doing, to keep us healthy. Please continue in this role!

— Dick Mandsager, M.D., retired


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Richard Mandsager

Dr. Richard Mandsager is the Rasmuson Foundation's senior fellow for homelessness and staff to the Homeless Leadership Council. He is a former CEO of Providence Alaska Medical Center.