Letters to the Editor

Letter: COVID testing failures

I’m an issues person who belongs to no political party; I base my views on actions and results. One case in point is local COVID-19 testing. We went from easy, quick testing all over our community to long lines and closed testing sites, at a time when we are spiking and have one of the highest positivity rates anywhere.

I went on the municipality’s website and went to location indicated available for COVID testing, where I was turned away and asked to go to a drive-through location miles away.

I had never been turned away before at any location. I used to be able to go a location a mere mile from my home and work. Now one must drive miles from home and wait in line for possibly hours. Mayor Dave Bronson’s COVID response is an abysmal failure; he actually made things worse, not better. Just another in a long line of bad, incompetent decisions by the worst mayor of my lifetime.

— Shawn O’Donnell


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