Letters to the Editor

Letter: On the brink

Who can pull America back from the brink of civil war? Yes, civil war. In the year since the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, the partisan divide that led to that sad event has only deepened. The certifiable nut Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is already calling for a “national divorce.” But even saner heads worry that we are headed for a some kind of democratic collapse.

Can President Joe Biden pull us back? Unlikely. He took office with a glorious opportunity to heal our division. And he blew it. His swerve to the left not only caused Republicans to balk his every effort but alienated much of the rest of the country. Since then, he has displayed a Jimmy Carter-like ineptitude.

Another Democrat? Forget it. None have the stature around which to build a preschool play group, let alone a national constituency.

Donald Trump? You must be out of your gourd to even think it. No one bears more responsibility for the viciousness of our current political divide than our defeated 45th president.

Yes, it has to be a Republican, but no, not Trump. And not the Trump wannabes — Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott, Ted Cruz et al. They are naked opportunists whose entire game plan depends on enlarging and exploiting our national divide.

So we are looking for a Republican who puts health of our democracy before partisan politics and who has the authority and strength of character to face down Trump’s army of fanatical supporters.

Is there such a Republican? I honestly don’t know. But I do know that if there is one, we better find him or her pretty darn quick. Our democracy may depend on it.


Dale Gerboth


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