Letters to the Editor

Letter: Equal representation

Redistricting correctly is simple. A new 2022 Alaska state legislative map should produce 40 House districts and 20 Senate districts that are compact, contiguous and socio-economically integrated. It looks to me like the redistricting board did well, but not well enough. The glaring mistake is in the Senate pairings, which place Eagle River with portions of downtown and East Anchorage. This map will be with us for a decade; let’s get it right.

“One person, one vote” is the cornerstone of our democracy. This leads me to wonder why one member of the Alaska Redistricting Board said on the record during a meeting that our new state legislative map “actually gives Eagle River the opportunity to have more representation.” It seems to me that it is much better if everyone has equal representation, not just one community that is in agreement with your personal views.

— Gene White


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