Letters to the Editor

Letter: Don’t hamper COVID response

How weird is our world? A recent ADN headline, “GOP lawmakers push measures to limit virus response,” was followed by a photo, “Long lines await those seeking COVID-19 tests.”

How are 13 bills introduced by Alaska’s Republican legislators to, according to the article, “make it more difficult for the state and private businesses to require and administer COVID-19 vaccinations or impose emergency rules during a pandemic,” going to make that line shorter or keep our kids safe in school? How will they ensure we have enough healthy teachers, health care workers, police, fire and others to keep us all safe and maintain essential services and our economy?

Last fall, my hip replacement was postponed a few weeks because our hospitals were overflowing under “crisis of care” standards. At least I didn’t die of a heart attack waiting to get into a hospital as some apparently did Outside.

This is not a partisan issue. Legislators, please don’t waste your time on such bills. Everyone, let’s show care for one another: vaccinate, mask and social distance so we can get through this pandemic and have the lives we all want.

— Ann Rappoport


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