Letters to the Editor

Letter: Jan. 6 response

Watching the national news on Jan. 6 this year, I was never more disgusted or filled with revulsion than when viewing a news clip showing the attendance at the Capitol.

Gathered together were lawmakers reverently noting the Jan. 6 failed attempt to overthrow and usurp a legally elected president. One side of the U.S. House was filled with Democrats intently listening to the procedures. Incredibly, the entire Republican side was vacant except for one lone representative and her father. What a shameful response to such a significant event.

Alaska has three elected federal positions, held by Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Sen. Dan Sullivan and Rep. Don Young. Am I the only person disappointed in their actions? I sincerely believe that if you do not speak out against or merely silently ignore the false claims of electoral fraud, then you are doing nothing but supporting that false narrative.

— Mike Gogolowski


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