Letters to the Editor

Letter: Done with Republicans

As Popeye said, “I done taken all I can stands, ‘cause I can’t stands it no more.”

Most of what we’re having to navigate regarding COVID-19 is because Republicans have shown they’re the weak link. When it’s said, “We have to take into consideration what they will be able to tolerate,” it’s those who are against masks and vaccines whom they’re trying to pacify.

Our nation has been further weakened due to a contrived Supreme Court which, in my view, can make its rulings diabolical.

We Americans have checked off two items on our list: Elect a Black president (Barack Obama) and elect a populist president (Donald Trump).

It’s crystal clear why Obama won two terms consecutively, yet I will never be able to square why anyone would want someone like Trump, who lies effortlessly as a fish swims, to be president again, and if you have to lie to explain it, you can’t either.

I would like to see Alaska elect a Democrat to the U.S. House this November.

— Phillip LaBay Mikes



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