Letters to the Editor

Letter: Caring for seniors

We’ve all read and heard of the well-earned hero status of our front-line health care workers during these unusual times: those warriors in our hospitals, nursing homes, clinics and pharmacies. But I would like to thank and recognize another group on the front lines that are providing a vital and compassionate service, my coworkers at Home Instead Senior Care.

I have become a part of a new demographic which is seniors caring for seniors. Eight years ago, I was retiring from my career job knowing I still wanted to work but also knowing I needed to do something different. I had the good fortune to meet Stacee, Home Instead’s amazing CEO. I was trained and put to work right away. I have never looked back.

To have the honor of knowing and caring for my clients has been one of the most satisfying experiences of my life. It is an honor to be part of allowing someone their greatest hope which is to stay in their home as they age in place. The friendships I’ve gained are treasured, but also the relationships I’ve made with the families. I’ve been treated like one of the family.

Thank you to our wonderful office staff who have invested so much energy and care into our training plus making sure we’re allowed to thrive. Also for keeping us and our clients safe during this pandemic when our services are needed more than ever. Thank you to my fellow caregivers who give so much of themselves.

Are there days when I feel inadequate for the task? You bet. Are there days when, to borrow the phrase, I feel that this is the hardest job I’ll ever love? Absolutely. Consider joining me as a senior caring for seniors.  

— Carol Shearer

Eagle River

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